The Yoga Source is a studio in Driggs that, in some ways, is a continuation of former studios. “But”, says co-founder Ralph Mossman, “This is completely different. I’m forever indebted to those who’ve come before me, and I’ve learned enough to have a new vision this time.” Mossman and Idaho native and co-founder Sea Marie Biladeau are creating The Yoga Source to be the center of the valley’s wellness community and a non-profit organization with a mission to serve the community.
The Yoga Source is in the majestic former County Courtroom, upstairs in The Old Teton County Courthouse on North Main Street in Driggs. The large, airy studio looks as if it had been a yoga studio for the last 98 years. Classes, workshops, and events are offered, and the space is available to be used by others too.
Classes are charged on a “support as you are able” model, and memberships allow students to take all classes for one monthly fee. The goal is to make it easy for students to come to as many classes as they want and receive the benefits of yoga, which spread to the entire community. The Yoga Source will also support other teachers and studios in the valley in order to build and share connections and knowledge.
“For years, I’ve had the dream of a yoga studio in which the students set the direction. It turns the traditional model - in which a studio owner sets the direction - on its head. Like the yoga pose. As I talk to people about this, they get really excited and want to be involved, so I think we’ve connected to something.
“Community support is key”, states Mossman, “for this dream to become real. The goal of yoga, and wellness in general, is to connect. To our selves, to others, to our environment. If there was ever a time to connect, this is it.”
